Daisypath Wedding tickers

Saturday, November 21, 2009


So I added something else to my crazy life! Like I have extra time. I dont think I could function properly if I didnt have 243423 things going on at once! Sooooo I decided to start selling Scentsy! Its wonderful! I think I have everyone hooked on it! If you have never heard of it before check it out. www.scensty.us/sroepke
You can have a basket party, which is VERY easy, or a home open house and there is no (sales speech or anything stupid like that) I just come in, set them up and bring ALL the scents! The girls love it! Ecs. around this time of year! Great Christmas Presents. My grandpa even loves these! haha........Let me know if you would like to have an open house or a basket party! Free Scentsy for you! You will love it!!!!!

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